
The Shrimp Tank

Snowflake Food


This "snowflake" food made from soybean shells. The soybean shells provide a growth media for Mycelia which is the vegetative part of a fungi. Mycelia contains proteins, amio acids, fats, and other beneficial nutrients for shrimp. You probably will not...


GlasGarten Shrimp Baby Food


Shrimp Baby Food is a powdered rearing food for ornamental shrimp that is rich in protein, containing zooplankton, natural vitamins, minerals and high levels of Omega 3 fatty acids, providing young shrimp with everything they need for healthy growth and...


GlasGarten Shrimp Dinner


Shrimp Dinner is a well-balanced daily main food for your ornamental shrimp containing all the important nutrients, vital substances and natural vitamins they need for healthy development, successful moults, growth, brilliant colours and high...


BorneoWild Gold Ingot - 40g


Gold Ingot is a specialty food for Yellow Shrimps. It enhances growth, health, immunity, and promotes vivid yellow on the shell. Directions: Feed as much as the shrimps can finish within 1-2hr. Ingredients: Vitamin A/E/C/B1, FeSO4, ZnSO4, MnSO4,...


BorneoWild Red Ruby - 40g


Red Ruby is a specialty food for Red Cherry Shrimps. It enhances growth and promotes vivid redness on the shell. Directions: Feed as much as the shrimps can finish within 1-2hr. Ingredients: Vitamin A/E/C/B1, FeSO4, ZnSO4, MnSO4, Astaxanthin For aquarium...


BorneoWild Frenzy - 50g


Frenzy is a tasty treat made from natural and organic raw material that is simply irresistible to shrimps. Use it as a supplementary bits two to three times week or feed together with staple recipe that you wish the shrimps to acquire taste of...


BorneoWild Color - 40g


Color is an organic shrimp diet rich in various types of essential minerals, vitamins, dietary fiber, amino acids, nucleic acid, cysteine peptide and spirulina. It enhances the color and strengthens the outer shell of the shrimp. It does not cloud water...


BorneoWild Bebi - 70g


BEBI is a nutritious diet specialty designed for new born and juvenile shrimp which also enhances the digestive system by activating the intestinal bacterial flora. It also helps to maintain or expedite the maturation of water by breaking down organic...


BorneoWild Grow - 40g


Grow is a complete shrimp dient rich is Phospholipd, various vitamins and chorella that increases stress tolerance, promotes growth and stimulates molting. It also contains SG (Shrimp Guard) which improves resistance to infectious diseases. It does not...