The Shrimp Tank

Jackfruit Leaves (20 leaves)


Jackfruit leaves provide an excellent alternative food for your shrimp. Leaves are a natural part of a shrimp habitat and help support beneficial biofilm.  These Jackfruit leaves are 100% organic and safe for all aquarium inhabitants.  These...

The Shrimp Tank

Leaf Mix


This mix includes Indian Almond Leaves, Mulberry Leaves, Guava Leaves, and Mangrove Leaves (~5 of each).  All these leaves provide an excellent alternative food for your shrimp. Leaves are a natural part of a shrimp habitat and help support...

The Shrimp Tank

Mangrove Leaves (20 leaves)


Mangrove leaves provide an excellent alternative food for your shrimp. Leaves are a natural part of a shrimp habitat and help support beneficial biofilm.  These Mangrove leaves are 100% organic and safe for all aquarium inhabitants.  These...


GlasGarten ShrimpFit


Complementary feed for ornamental shrimps - ShrimpFit from GlasGarten is a special feed and immune booster for the rapid activation of the immune system. GlasGarten ShrimpFit improves the immune system and supplies your shrimp with...


BorneoWild Maifan Balls


The Maifan Stone mineral balls can be used safely in combination with an active aquarium soil in a typical shrimp or planted aquarium. Maifan Stone ball helps to increase oxygen concentration in water, remove pollutants, heavy metals etc, as well we...

The Shrimp Tank

Bamboo Wood


Our bamboo tunnels and pipes make excellent hideouts for your shrimp and crayfish and is free of pesticides that could harm your shrimp.    Directions:  It is normal for bamboo to float in your tank for several days to a week before...


Sochting Oxydator


Söchting Oxydators breakdown hydrogen peroxide into pure oxygen and water (2 H2O2---->2 H20 + O2) using a special catalyst. The Söchting Oxydator adds oxygen continuously and slowly to your aquarium. The additional oxygen helps provide...


Borneowild Ebi Net


Ebi Net is a long shrimp net with a round 3D net. The 3D netting holds its shape when underwater making it easier to selectively catch a single shrimp. It also doesn’t collapse as easily when you pull it out of the water which could injure the...


GlasGarten Bacter AE


Bacter AE Micro Powder adds important microorganisms, amino acids and enzymes to your aquarium. It enhancing water quality and improving the development of biofilms, which are essential for shrimp. The biofilms thus created provide them with a valuable...

The Shrimp Tank

Alder Cones (30g)


Alder Cones are supposed to help lower pH and prevent fungal infections when added to an aquarium. They do release a lot of tannins and noticeably darken your water. I had previously sold Casorina pods (30g) as "large alder cones".

The Shrimp Tank

Cholla Wood


Cholla Wood Skeletons are the remains after a cholla plant dies. It is a soft wood which provides a food source for biofilm that shrimp will feed on, similar to what leaves do. The cholla's may holes provides hiding places for shrimp after they molt or...


BorneoWild Enlive - 100g


Enlive is a multi-purpose culture of more then 100 types of bacteria in dormant state. It helps to seed the bacterial culture safely and quickly in substrate system as well as in new tank when dosed into water directly. This is a great freshawter...


BorneoWild Crimson - 30g


New 30g Size!! (photo is of the old 15g size).   This Borneowild product enhances the redness of bee shrimps in a clear and striking fashion. GH and TDS are raised mildly when added. Directions: Use 1 spoon / 200L water once a week. Water may...