Add to Wish list Quick view The Shrimp Tank Mulberry Leaves (20 leaves, about 10g) $7.99 Mulberry Leaves provide an excellent alternative food for your shrimp. Unlike most . Leaves are a natural part of a shrimp habitat and help support beneficial biofilm. These Mulberry leaves are 100% organic and safe for all aquarium... Compare Add to Cart
Add to Wish list Quick view The Shrimp Tank Guava Leaves (10 Leaves, about 10g) $4.99 Guava Leaves provide an area in your aquarium for biofilm to grow and develop. Leaves are a natural part of a shrimp habitat and the compounds it adds to your tank have antibacterial properties. The antibactieral components in Guava Leaves... Compare Add to Cart
Add to Wish list Quick view SOLD OUT The Shrimp Tank Bamboo Wood $1.50 Our bamboo tunnels and pipes make excellent hideouts for your shrimp and crayfish and is free of pesticides that could harm your shrimp. Directions: It is normal for bamboo to float in your tank for several days to a week before... Compare Out of stock
Add to Wish list Quick view The Shrimp Tank Alder Cones (30g) $6.99 Alder Cones are supposed to help lower pH and prevent fungal infections when added to an aquarium. They do release a lot of tannins and noticeably darken your water. I had previously sold Casorina pods (30g) as "large alder cones". Compare Add to Cart
Add to Wish list Quick view The Shrimp Tank Cholla Wood $1.15 Cholla Wood Skeletons are the remains after a cholla plant dies. It is a soft wood which provides a food source for biofilm that shrimp will feed on, similar to what leaves do. The cholla's may holes provides hiding places for shrimp after they molt or... Compare Choose Options