Add to Wish list Quick view SALE SOLD OUT The Shrimp Tank Fissidens Nobilis Moss $14.99 This is Fissidens Nobilis moss newly tied on a 3"x3" mat. The photo shows how much moss is currently on each mat. Compare Out of stock
Add to Wish list Quick view SOLD OUT The Shrimp Tank Frogbit $5.00 Frogbit is an easy to care for floating plant that works well in shrimp tanks. Frogbit is fast growing and will help suck up nitrates in your water. Shrimp love hanging from the roots of the... Compare Out of stock
Add to Wish list Quick view The Shrimp Tank Guava Leaves (10 Leaves, about 10g) $4.99 Guava Leaves provide an area in your aquarium for biofilm to grow and develop. Leaves are a natural part of a shrimp habitat and the compounds it adds to your tank have antibacterial properties... Compare Add to Cart
Add to Wish list Quick view The Shrimp Tank Guppy Grass | Najas Guadalupensis | Najas Grass $6.99 Guppy Grass is a great plant for shrimp tanks and provides lots of hiding places for young shrimp. It is relatively fast growing even without CO2 and helps remove nitrates from your tank. ... Compare Add to Cart
Add to Wish list Quick view The Shrimp Tank Hornwort (Ceratophyllum Demersum) $6.99 Ceratophyllum Demersum (Hornwort) Portion: 1 lightly packed measuring cup Compare Add to Cart
Add to Wish list Quick view The Shrimp Tank Indian Almond Leaves (Terminilia Catappa) 20 leaves $8.99 20 leaves 7-12" each. Weight is about 40g. These leaves are sealed Indian Almond leaves have been used for many years by tropical fish breeders. When added to water the leaves leech... Compare Add to Cart
Add to Wish list Quick view NEW The Shrimp Tank Indian Almond Tea Bags (Terminilia Catappa) 20 bags $9.99 20 tea bags about 2"x2". The package of tea bags is sealed These tea bags give you all of the benefits of the tannins from Indian Almond Leaves without having a leaf breaking down in your tank... Compare Add to Cart
Add to Wish list Quick view NEW The Shrimp Tank Jacaranda Pods (50g) $4.99 50g is about 15 half pods (a half pod is what is pictured). Jacaranda Pod's are usually between 1" and 4" in diameter. Compare Add to Cart
Add to Wish list Quick view The Shrimp Tank Jackfruit Leaves (20 leaves) $7.99 Jackfruit leaves provide an excellent alternative food for your shrimp. Leaves are a natural part of a shrimp habitat and help support beneficial biofilm. These Jackfruit leaves are 100%... Compare Add to Cart
Add to Wish list Quick view SOLD OUT The Shrimp Tank Java Moss $9.99 Portion: 1/4 cup full of moss. I pack the moss in there pretty tight. Java Moss is a low light moss that works well in shrimp tank as the shrimp love constantly picking at. Compare Out of stock
Add to Wish list Quick view The Shrimp Tank Leaf Mix $8.99 This mix includes Indian Almond Leaves, Mulberry Leaves, Guava Leaves, and Mangrove Leaves (~5 of each). All these leaves provide an excellent alternative food for your shrimp. Leaves are a... Compare Add to Cart
Add to Wish list Quick view NEW SOLD OUT The Shrimp Tank Lotus Pod - Mini (20 count) $5.49 Preparation: Wash them off before adding them to your aquarium. These will sink faster if you boil them for a little while (20 minutes or so). It will probably take a week or... Compare Out of stock
Add to Wish list Quick view NEW The Shrimp Tank Lotus Pod XL $2.99 Preparation: Wash them off before adding them to your aquarium. These will sink faster if you boil them for a little while (20 minutes or so). It will probably take a week or... Compare Add to Cart
Add to Wish list Quick view SOLD OUT The Shrimp Tank Magnolias Heart Pod $7.99 Magnolias Heart Pods are the seed pod from the Magnolia grandiflora tree. Preparation: Wash them off before adding them to your aquarium. These will sink faster if you boil them for a... Compare Out of stock
Add to Wish list Quick view NEW SOLD OUT The Shrimp Tank Malaysian Trumpet Snail (Qty 20) $7.99 Malaysian snails will be about 1cm or larger when sold. Common Name Malaysian Trumpet Snail (often just called MTS) Scientific Name Melanoides tuberculata Adult Size 1.9-2... Compare Out of stock
Add to Wish list Quick view The Shrimp Tank Mangrove Leaves (20 leaves) $7.99 Mangrove leaves provide an excellent alternative food for your shrimp. Leaves are a natural part of a shrimp habitat and help support beneficial biofilm. These Mangrove leaves are 100% organic... Compare Add to Cart
Add to Wish list Quick view NEW SOLD OUT The Shrimp Tank Marka Pod $1.99 Preparation: Wash them off before adding them to your aquarium. These will sink faster if you boil them for a little while (20 minutes or so). It will probably take a week or... Compare Out of stock
Add to Wish list Quick view The Shrimp Tank Mulberry Leaves (20 leaves, about 10g) $7.99 Mulberry Leaves provide an excellent alternative food for your shrimp. Unlike most . Leaves are a natural part of a shrimp habitat and help support beneficial biofilm. These... Compare Add to Cart